Last Updated: Oct 17, 2016     Views: 171

Collection of admission fees, sales of products or services, or other direct fund raising activities are not permitted. The Library does reserve the right to allow admission charges and/or the sale of products by any entity presenting a program sponsored by or in cooperation with the Library, through written agreement with BCPL.

Any publicity, (e.g. brochures, flyers, radio, TV announcements) must carry the name and telephone number of the organization sponsoring the meeting. The library may not be identified or implied as a sponsor. The branch library phone number may not be used as a contact number. The contact information (name, telephone, etc.) used to reserve a meeting room may be given by the library to individuals inquiring about the organization sponsoring the meeting. A flier or poster advertising the meeting may be hung on the library bulletin board with the permission of branch management. No publicity is allowed on library property outside of the building and no groups shall use the library as a mailing address.
