Last Updated: Aug 15, 2023     Views: 5110

You can use either the CloudLibrary (CL) app or CL website to search for a title and it it's found you can suggest it be purchased.

To use the CL App to Suggest a Title: 

  • Open the app and tap the Search icon (looks like a magnifying glass).
  • Look for the Filter icon (as shown below).

  • Now tap "Suggestions for library" and tap SAVE. 

  • In the search bar, enter the title. If it comes up in the search results then you can suggest it. 
  • Remember to return to the Filter icon and change it back from Suggest to library to "Available Now" (no wait list) or "All library titles" (those with or without waitlists). 

To Use the CL Website:

Go to BCPL’s cloudLibrary website which allows you to log in to your account, browse, place holds and borrow titles. You can listen to or read Cloud titles in a web browser. Or you can download Cloud e-books for reading in Adobe Digital Editions, as long as those buttons show up next to the title you’ve selected.  You cannot download e-audiobooks from CloudLibrary, you must listen to these in a web browser.

You can also search for titles the library does not own yet. If they come up in the search, you can then suggest them to the library to consider purchasing.

To find and suggest titles for purchase, you must login first, then follow the steps below.


After you have logged in with your library card number and PIN or password, click on the Availability menu and select "Suggestions for library" as shown below.


Now, type a title, author or a subject in the search box with the magnifying glass. You may some see titles the library already owns that are similar to what you’ve entered and you may also see titles you can suggest for the library to consider purchasing. These will have a Suggest button instead of a Borrow button. To suggest a title, just click on the Suggest button. 


BCPL’s Collection Development department will review your suggestions for cloudLibrary purchases. Be sure to check BCPL’s cloudLibrary website again in a few weeks to see if the title has been added. You can then borrow the book or place it on hold.
