Last Updated: Aug 12, 2024     Views: 542

OverDrive released a new version of the Libby app. Here’s a list of the changes and issues.

  • Deleting the app is no longer recommended and should be avoided if at all possible. Previously deleting and reinstalling was fine. But now it will delete all holds, loans and reading history.
  • If a customer says their holds or loans are missing, instead of deleting the app, Remove your card from Libby (remove all cards if you have more than one), close the app, power off your device for a few minutes, power on and Add your card back into Libby
  • To back up your Libby data, you can now set up a recovery passkey in Libby (on supported devices). It’s simple, secure, and password-less. Learn more about creating a recovery passkey. This is the best way to ensure your Holds, Loans and Reading History (Timeline) can be recovered if you get a new device or something happens to your device. 
  • Setup codes have reversed direction for added security. You read the code on the new device and input the 8-digit code on the original device.
  • Tags are now part of the main navigation bar in Libby.
  • The Timeline and Notices (i.e., in-app notifications) have moved to the Shelf.
  • Title descriptions appear in search results and in lists. 
